Gas-air Ratio Control

Gas-air Ratio Control

Product specifications :

gas air ratio regulator SET282 can be used as follows:
1- Zero regulator, keeps the downstream pressure uniform from low to high capacities.
2- Air/gas ratio regulator, keeps the air/gas ratio constant even when changing the air pressure.
Based on the pressure ratio, product selection and installation layout should be as follows:
Gas/Air pressure in a ratio of 1:1
Gas/Air pressure from 1:2 ratio to 1:10 ratio (Requires a proportional valve in the air sensor line)
Gas/Air pressure from 2:1 ratio to 10:1 ratio (Requires a proportional valve in the gas sensor line)

Picture of Gas-air Ratio Control
Picture of Gas-air Ratio Control
Title File Size Version Technical Data
کاتالوگ کنترل های خط گاز مشعل gas-controls.pdf 3.7 MB تابستان 1402
کاتالوگ کنترل نسبت هوا گاز gas-air-control.pdf 1.3 MB
راهنمای کنترل نسبت هوا گاز SET282 SET285 SET282 SET285 DN25،DN40،DN50.pdf 518.6 KB پاییز 1401
لیست قیمت کنترل های خط گاز مشعل لیست قیمت کنترل های خط گاز مشعل 1.6 MB تابستان 1402
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